從阿根廷人/南美洲人喝茶方式來看,其實早就超過了『每日咖啡因建議攝取量 - 300mg/日』。
以 3g 茶包所含約 40mg 咖啡因來計算,一天喝到30g (10包) 就喝下了約 400mg 的咖啡因量,大約三杯半的咖啡。距離咖啡因成癮症狀(500mg)也只差了100mg了。
一個瑪黛茶茶杯可以裝 30 ~ 50g 的茶葉。
Bad Effects of Yerba Mate Tea 瑪黛茶的副作用
Yerba mate is a supplement used to prepare a popular South American tea. This tea is especially renowned in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. It is celebrated for its supposed health benefits, which are attributed to its antioxidant properties. Yet, although yerba mate tea may contain antioxidant properties that are helpful in promoting good health in some aspects, the supplement contains negative properties as well, which may result in undesirable side effects.
Tension 緊張
Yerba mate tea contains flavonoids as well as caffeoyl derivatives, which means that the tea contains antioxidants and caffeine. Whereas antioxidants have beneficial effects on the body, caffeine does not. One side effect of caffeine is muscle tension. According to the Yerba Mate Association of the Americas, a standard serving of yerba mate tea contains 40 mg of caffeine. However, most people consume more than the standard serving, which is only between 6 and 8 oz. This much caffeine contributes to muscle tension and discomfort, especially in people who are prone to caffeine side effects.瑪黛茶富含黃酮類物質,其中包含了對身體有好處的抗氧化物以及對身體不好的咖啡因。咖啡因造成的副作用之一就是會造成肌肉緊張。美國瑪黛茶協會指出,一杯 6 ~ 8 盎司 (177~237cc) 的瑪黛茶約含 40mg 的咖啡因 (大約1個3g茶包所沖泡的量)。但是絕大多數的人每天攝取的量都遠超過一杯。攝取過量的咖啡因將會造成不舒服的症狀。
(作者沒有提到的,根據UK Food Standard Agency 建議每日咖啡因攝取量不要超過 300mg,所以一天最多大約是7~8杯(包)瑪黛茶。前提是如果瑪黛茶是唯一的咖啡因來源。)
Appetite Suppressant 抑制食慾
Yerba mate tea is an appetite suppressant. Although this is considered a desired affect by many people wishing to lose weight, it can be a negative side effect to other people who are underweight or at a stable weight. Because this tea contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, it often causes you not to feel hungry, which will, consequently, cause you not to eat. This could lead to serious health problems over time, if the body is not getting enough nutrients or too much weight is lost.瑪黛茶雖然可以達到抑制食慾的效果,但是對於過瘦或正常的人來說,它反而是一種不好的效果。常常喝瑪黛茶會讓人不覺得飢餓,久而久之就會造成不想吃東西,而使得身體沒有辦法吸收足夠的營養,甚至會過度減重,造成身體的健康問題。
Insomnia 失眠
A large consumption of yerba mate tea could lead to insomnia, especially if it is consumed regularly on a daily basis. Drinkers of this tea may experience an inability to sleep at night, which can be attributed to the caffeine content in yerba mate tea. Insomnia can lead to tiredness, lack of energy and moodiness throughout the day. It can also lead to fatigue, which can become a medical condition and is unhealthy.
Upset Stomach 腸胃不適
The negative side effects are yerba mate tea are few and mild. All of these side effects are because of the caffeine content of the tea, and many of these symptoms can be self-induced by consuming too much of the tea. The suggested daily consumption by Yerba Mate Association of the Americas is 2 or 3 cups of Yerba mate tea, containing only 3 or 4 grams of yerba mate infusion.
這些瑪黛茶造成的副作用其實並不嚴重,而大部分主因都是因為其中所含的咖啡因。只要每天不要喝太多的瑪黛茶就可以避免。根據美國瑪黛茶協會的每日建議量,一天喝 2 ~ 3 杯,每一杯使用 3 ~ 4 公克的瑪黛茶茶葉沖泡。
(作者沒有提到的是,這裡的 2 ~ 3 杯是 1包茶包只有泡 1次的量,如果 1包3g茶包回沖了5次,那還是一樣算 1 杯。)
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