El Dorado 黃金城,驅使了大量的歐洲冒險家前往南美洲探險。雖然到現在都還只是停留在傳說階段,沒有人發現過,但是這一個大秘寶的傳說卻影響了後世幾百年發展。
其中也間接的造成了瑪黛茶 Yerba Mate 被西班牙人發現進而傳播於全世界,雖然它不是惡魔果實能夠讓人有超能力,但卻也能讓人活力充沛。
CC授權圖片 by NEME G.
來源 http://www.flickr.com/photos/24004386@N06/2988794395/
前面那三篇瑪黛茶由來的傳說 Legend of Tupi Brothers , Legend of the Guarani, Legend of Yari ,這三個故事都是經由千百年的口耳相傳而流傳至今,所以故事上都有相似卻也有出入的地方。但是這些故事都有一個共同點,瓜拉尼人將瑪黛茶視為天神所賜予的茶飲。
這個神有可能是 『遠來的神 Pa'i Shume』, 或 『精神領袖 Tupa』 , 或者是『天上的月神 Yari 和雲神 Arai』, 由天而降教導他們關於瑪黛茶的知識。
當15 ~ 16世紀大航海時代開啟,歐洲人跨過大西洋抵達了美洲之後,這些故事便成為了有文字記載的歷史,而不再是傳說。
The Story of Yerba Mate
From The Herb Quarterly Summer 1999
When the adventurer Sebastian Gaboto sailed up the Paraná river in 1526, he believed that at the fountainhead of its brutal waters he would find Eldorado, the fabled land of silver and gold that drove the ambitions of early European explorers. Gaboto was certain the inexhaustible cache of precious metals would transform all of the lands down river (in the area now occupied by Paraguay) into the richest and most powerful region in South America.
西元 1526年,冒險家 Sebastian Gaboto 航行抵達了南美洲的巴拉那河時 (Paraná river, 南美洲第二大河) ,他相信,在這艱險河流的盡頭,他將會找到傳說的黃金國 El Dorado (有一部卡通《勇闖黃金城 Road to El Dorado》就是在描寫這傳說的故事)。 黃金城的傳說不斷的驅使著歐洲冒險家前來南美洲探險。
Gaboto 確信此處蘊含著取之不盡的貴重金屬,能夠讓這塊地方(如今的巴拉圭領土)成為南美洲最為富庶也最有強大的地區。
He was wrong. But in the area Gaboto pioneered, Mother Nature hid a treasure, not aureate, but green in color, which would both reward those lands with commerce and burden them with a history of human tragedy no less appalling than that caused elsewhere by the discovery of gold. The verdant gift concealed in her bosom was a stout evergreen of the holly family known to the aborigines as Caa, but eventually christened by the Spaniards: yerba mate (Ilex Paraguariensis).
但是 Gaboto 所探險的地區並非沒有價值,大自然確實在這塊土地上蘊藏了更重要的寶藏,只不過它是綠色,而非金色。
(其中受害者就是當地的 Guarani 瓜拉尼人,他們沒有那美人的好運氣。就如同所有悲慘的原住民一樣,土地被侵佔,人民被殺害。之後會提到這一支南美洲印地安族群。)
這個蘊藏在大地懷裡的翠綠禮物被瓜拉尼人稱為 Caá (=Yerba 樹木或森林),最後由西班牙人給予了它一個流傳至今的名字,叫做 Yerba Mate 瑪黛茶。
The Spaniards were disillusioned by their failure to find precious metals, and exhausted from the travails of jungle survival. A small break-off group decided to settle along the Paraná River, in an area where they found abundant food and friendly reception among the Guaraní Indians.
其中有一小群人決定繼續沿著巴拉那河,前往 Guaraní Indians 瓜拉尼印地安人的居住地,這裡除了有非常豐富的食物,並且當地的土著非常好客。
(因為瓜拉尼人的 Tupa 神,要他們款待訪客。故事在前一篇 Legend of Yari 有提到。)
These hospitable Native Americans were well-built, vigorous, and healthy. They seemed gifted with good character and abounding joy. Naturally the Spaniards wanted to know why. The secret, they were told, was to drink an infusion of dried leaves from the Caa bush, a gift from the spirit Tupá.
好客的瓜拉尼人無私的分享了這個秘密,他們平常都飲用一種 Caa 樹木的樹葉所沖泡的飲品,而這個禮物是他們的神 Tupa 所賜予。
英文文章來源 http://guayaki.com/mate/1894/Legends-of-Yerba-Mate-Origins.html
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